The New York Legislature has approved a bill making it a misdemeanor to try to sell any book, magazine or film by saying it was banned in Boston or anywhere else, by in any way announcing that "the decency or morality of the same has been challenged in any court, by any board of review or by any group or agency." We'll see how long that stands


Dr. John Beeston, associate professor of public health at UCLA, announced recently an extensive study of sex behavior of teenagers, to be coordinated with similar studies in St. Louis and Boston. Involves interviews with 120 lower-

middle income group high school students. "Youngsters either know a great deal about sex-or they know nothing at all. With detailed knowledge we hope to develop an understanding of how youngsters get to know about sex, then to plan a positive program to correct the extremes." Why is the study being carried out only in large cities?

Latest (Third) Kinsey Report previewed in March and April issues of McCALLS (the magazine of togetherness) and has little if any bearing on homosexuality. Deals with Pregnancy, Birth and Abortion. Hope the INSTITUTE FOR SEX RESEARCH can find funds to continue and publish the remainder of their prepared works, including several of direct interest to us . .



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